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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Story Behind Blood,(anime).

Ok so before we start Blood let me tell you whats it about,*sigh takes deep breathe*,ok so it's about this adopted Vietnamese girl who lives in Japan with her dad,her older brother Ky,and her younger brother Riccku. Her name is Sya and she is in High School,and she looks like a normal girl well she is until one day, after dark she goes back to her school to get something and sees a monster/ human called a Kropterin, and it survives off of blood. So she sees it and runs into the school,before this happened one of her teachers got killed by it.So she runs into a classroom,and closes the door. Than it tears through the door and almost kills her than a guy appearers,and his name is Haji,he hands her a sword and she is very confuse,so than the Kropterin kind of knocks her out and than...ok you know what why wont you watch it, heres a link! :3 Ya so just watch it,but I'm warning you it is very,very violent and sad!